Journal Publications
Griffin, C. D., Huebsch, W. W., Rothmayer, A. P., and Wilhelm, J. P., "Numerical and Experimental Study on the Ability of Dynamic Roughness to Alter the Development of a Leading Edge Vortex," Fluid Mechanics: Open Access, Vol. 3, No. 2, (2016).
Textbook Contributions
Munson, Bruce R., Rothmayer, Alric P., Okiishi, Theodore H., Huebsch, Wade W., Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. 7th ed. Hoboken, NJ; John Wiley & Sons, 2013. Contributed images of CFD results.
Young, Donald F., Munson, Bruce R., Okiishi, Theodore H., Huebsch, Wade W., A Brief Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. 5th ed. Hoboken, NJ; John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
- Developed example problems, “Fluids in the News” articles, and homework problems incorporating Prevention through Design (PtD) material, an initiative developed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) with the goal of increasing awareness and use of proper design of work-day equipment to reduce accidents and injuries in the workplace.
Ph.D. Dissertation
M.S. Thesis
"Pressure Deflection Behavior of Candidate Materials for Morphing Wings"